We are delighted to share with you our latest Annual Report. This report provides a comprehensive overview of all that Integral Members were able to achieve by working together in 2022. Martha Newsome, President and CEO of Medical Teams International and the Chair of the Integral Board, writes in the Foreword:
It is my pleasure to present Integral’s 2022 Annual Report. As I reflect on my first full year as the Chair of the Board, I am proud of the many ways we united to restore hope and alleviate suffering in both ongoing and new contexts. This past year offered opportunities to collaborate in unprecedented ways as we combined our areas of expertise in six active Disaster Responses.
Our collective response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine helped Integral Members to assist nearly one million individuals. This crisis challenged us in unique ways as an alliance and showcased our abilities to leverage our individual strengths to increase our collective impact and reach. By the end of 2022, our efforts as Integral in our active Disaster Responses have reached more than three million people in areas like Northern Ethiopia, the Greater Horn of Africa and Haiti.
I am energised about how Integral continues to add value to each of our Members – especially through our partnerships. The number of joint funding proposals between Members has increased steadily over the last five years and is one of the key ways we were able to care for more people in crisis in 2022. Perhaps most importantly, I am proud of the way Integral Members lived out their commitment to our Christian faith and values, putting others first in a spirit of servanthood that reflects the heart of our Father. As we celebrate all that we accomplished together in 2022, I pray we will continue to grow in our capacity to demonstrate the character of God to a suffering world through connecting, engaging and partnering with one another.
We are so thankful for our Members and their continued commitment to working together, especially in disasters and, together with them, we look forward to continuing the journey of collaboration.
You can view or download Integral’s 2022 Annual Report here.