Wishing you a Christmas season filled with the light of Christ.
From the Integral Secretariat: Fiona, Jan, Sarah, Cressida, Monika and Amy
A Christmas Prayer
Open our eyes this Christmas season
To see again the pale light grow brighter
Perceive the baby in the manger
As the King he was born to be
The Son of God’s promise
A King of all kings
The Prince of everlasting Peace
Under whose rule every war ends
And all our bitter strivings cease
Open our ears this Christmas season
To hear again hope-filled heavenly sounds
The eternal Word hidden in human flesh
Help us to listen for your voice
The Son of God’s promise
A King of all kings
The Prince of everlasting Peace
Under whose rule every war ends
And all our bitter strivings cease
Open our hearts this Christmas season
To receive again the Light of this world
Our gentle-hearted servant King
You bid us come to you with our many burdens
The Son of God’s promise
A King of all kings
The Prince of everlasting Peace
Under whose rule every war ends
And all our bitter strivings cease
Light of all lights that darkness does not understand
Shine on us this Christmas season
Our sunrise from on high
Guide our feet in the way of peace
Poem: ©Sarah Larkin

13 Integral Alliance Members are responding to the acute food shortages in the Greater Horn of Africa.
Photo credit: ©Tearfund/Peter Caton