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Integral members

World Renew

Address 3475 Mainway, STN LCD 1, Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8 | 1700 28th St SE Grand Rapids, MI 49508

Accord – Integral Mission Standards, ACT Alliance Code of Good Practice and Code of Conduct, Core Humanitarian Standards – Independent Verification, Interaction, Red Cross code of conduct, Sphere Standards, Cooperation Canada – Code of Conduct


Established in 1962, the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC), an independent agency of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, changed its name to World Renew in 2012. Initially a disaster response, relief, and adoption agency, the organization expanded its focus in 1979 to include community development and eventually merged a third focus, justice education, into its vision and mission. Today, World Renew is a well-established and experienced binationally-based Christian organization in the U.S. and Canada with a reputation for innovative and sustainable grass-roots development and disaster response and rehabilitation work in developing countries around the world.


Accord Network, ACT Alliance, Barnabas Foundation, CCCC (Canadian Council of Christian Charities), Canadian Christian Relief & Development Association (CCRDA), CHS Alliance, Christian Stewardship Services, CFGB (Canadian Foodgrains Bank), ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability), Growing Hope Globally (GHG), Global Impact Charity Alliance, Integral Alliance, InterAction, Micah Network, National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

HQ Staff 80
Field Staff 114
Founded 1962
Member since 2010
  • Cooperational
  • Operational
Funding Sources

CFGB (Canadian Foodgrains Bank), Growing Hope Globally (GHG), Global Affairs Canada (GAC), World Transform (CRC Australia), Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund (CRWRF), Presbyterian World Services & Development (PWS&D), Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR), Dorcas Aid International, Woord en Daad, All We Can (Methodist Relief and Development UK), GOSPEL Mideast Initiative, Board of Special Needs (Reformed Church of the Netherlands), TearFund Switzerland, Week of Compassion, Tearfund Canada, ZOA Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM), Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), United Church of Canada (UCC), Food for the Hungry (US), MCIC (Manitoba Council for International Cooperation), SCIC (Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation), Mission Alliance, Tearfund UK, TEAR Australia, ERIKS Development Partner, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission, SIL International, Medical Teams International (MTI), Relief Arm of the Gereformeerde Gemeenten (RAGG), Cedar Hong Kong, Charis Foundation, Samsung, Canadian Red Cross Society, Central Carolina Community Foundation

Disaster Response
  • First Responders (24-48 hours)
  • Early Response
  • Emergency phase only
  • Recovery
  • Rehabilitation
  • Disaster Preparedness